
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Visa Interview Questions | General VISA Interview Questions for any Country

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VISA Interview Questions : Going for higher studies on a Student VISA for any of the country like USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore or to any country from Europe like Spain, Germany, Poland, France, Greece, Russia, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Italy or any of other countries. The purpose of VISA Interviewer is same and they ask questions to know about your certain feelings, intentions and your financial status.


So all these things matters for a VISA Interviewer and he may ask any confusing and Indirect questions to check all these above points. So, its almost pointless to say that VISA Interview Questions Differs for a Student VISA for all countries.

The interview is taken by the ambassador or visa officer who may ask you a range of questions mainly to ensure that your application case is genuine and your intentions align with what is being written in the application form. The officer is a trained professional, who could ask multiple unrelated questions, not to annoy you but to know your real interests and objectives. If you are prepared, you can enjoy this process and meeting with someone who opens the door of a new country for you.

Most Frequently Asked VISA Interview Questions


Q.1) Tell me about yourself or Introduce Yourself and your family ?

Q.2) Tell me about your Course or Give your Course Details ?

Q.3) Why Did you Choose this Particular Course ?

Q.4) Is this course related to your Previous Studies or why you have opted for this course ?

Q.5) Why did you choose this university and how you will find it ?

Q.6) Is this course not offered by any college or university in your home Country ?

Q.7) Why did you choose the following respective country for your Educational Career ?

Q.8 ) If you get this particular course or degree here in your country, would you still like to go there ?

Q.9) What are the other Universities you have applied to and also enlist the courses you have applied there ?

Q.10) What are the course commencement and Completion Dates ?

Q.11) Can you show me the location of your University or tell me about the University Exact address and how you will reach there ?

Q.12) Give some details of the University you have applied.

Q.13) What is scope of your course you have been applied for ?

Q.14) Have you ever been to the following country before ?

Q15) Can you show me your GRE/TOEFL/IELTS/SAT Score Card ?

Q.16) Can you mention some of the names of your Professors or Lecturers ?

Q.17) What would you like to do after completion of your Studies or this course ?

Q.18) Do you intend to work in the respective country after your Course Completion ?

Q.19) Tell me about your Future Plans and How this course will be beneficial for you in Future ?

Q.20) What would you like to do in your Term Vacations ?

Q.21) How much money are you expecting to earn after completing this course ?

Q.22) How you are going to Fund your Education or Do you have Sufficient Funds Available to Continue your Studies ?

Q.23) Show me the Proofs that supports your Financial means to Study There ?

Q.24) Who is sponsoring your Education and why he is sponsoring you ?

Q.25) Do you have any friends or relatives in your Respective Country ?

Q.26) What is your Father's Annual Income ? (Be ready to prepare any question regarding your financial status)

Q.27) Where will you Stay in the Respective Country during your Studies ?

Q.27) Can u tell me the address of your Stay or Hostels or Apartments ?

Q.29) What are the sources of Income for your Family or the person Sponsoring you ?

Q.30) What is your Undergraduate GPA/Marks/Percentage ?

Q.31) Tell me about some of your Academic Achievements and your Area of Interest ?

Q.32) Have you paid your Semester Fee or College Fee for the Course ?

Q.33) What will you do if your VISA is Rejected ?

Q.34) Do you know something about the nature/local people/ their history or custom followed there ?

Q.35) What will you do if your leisure time or free time ?

Q.36) Why do you want to Change your Major Field of Study ? (This is the case for all those applicants who have complete their Undergraduate Studies in another field and would like to continue their Masters or M.Sc in some other field )

Q.37) Why you are leaving your Current Job (If you are a working professional) ?

Q.38) Can you show me your Work Experience Certificate and tell me about your current Company where you are employed ?

Q.39) How will your Study in the respective country will be helpful to you if you returned back to your home country ?

Q.40) Tell me about opening the Blocked Bank Account Process and its limitations ? (If the person is applying for a European VISA)

A.41 ) Have you done any language course or Show me your Proofs of the Local Language if any ?

These are some of the most frequently asked questions in any VISA Interview. Though some of the questions above will look similar to you, but we have written them so that you can know the question format and they way of asking the Questions in different ways.

I know you are thinking that how to answer these questions ? Don't worry we are making a complete section for VISA Guidance and you can check out everything there and also ask questions and doubts if any.

Visa Interview Questions | General VISA Interview Questions for any Country

TAGS : VISA, VISA Interview, VISA Interview Questions, Visa Interview Guidance, Visa Interview FAQ, Question in VISA Interview, Visa Appointment, Visa Questions


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