
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Basic Visa Interview Tips and Guidance

Posted by at 2:57 PM Read our previous post
Getting a VISA for Higher Studies, Immigration or Work Visa is everyone's dream but you should always prepare well in advance for the VISA Interview and be familiar with the VISA INTERVIEW QUESTIONS.

Going for higher studies on a Student VISA for any of the country like USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore or to any country from Europe like Spain, Germany, Poland, France, Greece, Russia, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Italy or any of other countries. The purpose of VISA Interviewer is same and they ask questions to know about your certain feelings, intentions and your financial status.

Visa Interview Tips and Guidance

  1. Prepare for the visa interview questions in advance before your appointment.
  2. Get at least two copies of your all necessary documents with you for the interview and also bring all the originals with you.
  3. Bring your Marksheets, language proofs and Job certificates if applicable.
  4. Dress appropriately (formally) and behave properly.
  5.  Be on time for the Visa Interview and recall what you need to tell them during the interview.
  6. Be courteous, friendly and polite throughout the interview and listen carefully.
  7. Be confident about your answers and make an eye contact while answering the questions.
  8. Be brief and give clear and direct to the point answers. 
  9. Think well before your answer the question but don't take too long in thinking.
  10. You have to convince the Visa Interviewer by your answers that you are the strong case and is ideally fit for the Program, Studies, Job or Course.
  11. Go through the website and handbook of your university carefully and try to remember all the important details like course curriculum, structure, Professors name, University address, University profile and other important details like the course commencement and completion dates.
  12. Know about your course Fee, marking scheme, examination structure, credits points, GPA calculations etc.
  13. Convince Visa Interviewer that you are going there for Studies and not for Job.
  14. Convince Visa Interviewer that you belongs to the Rich Family and you have a strong Financial Background. You can show the Financial supporting documents of the sponsor to the Interviewer.
  15. You should be clear about your future plans after completing the course. Don't ever say that you will settle down there after your Undergraduate or Graduate Studies.
  16. Be ready for any strange questions and don't get nervous when you have them. They are meant to test your intentions, skills or IQ.
  17. Interview may take 20-30 minutes or more, so be comfortable with it.
  18. Enjoy the interview!


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